Quality and environment


In order to meet the expectations of both our customers and partners, we pursue a systematic approach to quality and continual improvement. As proof of this, Boardic has been certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 – the international standard for quality management systems – since 2016.

The certification means that our management system, which includes our processes and working methods, is compliant with the ISO standard. To meet the expectations and requirements we face, our management system is continually being refined and improved, a process which is tracked through regular internal and external audits, all to ensure the quality of our services.



Did you know that, in Sweden, we plant more trees than we cut down? The entire process of felling, production, and distribution of timber releases less carbon dioxide than what a growing forest absorbs. If timber products were to be more widely used than fossil fuel-intensive products, emissions of greenhouse gases would fall and we would see a better tomorrow.

Boardic’s business is built around environmental awareness, enabling us to contribute to sustainable development and reducing the impact we have on the environment. We strive to make the best environmental choices in our day to day operations and to continually improve our environmental work, e.g. by developing our logistics solutions and waste management operations.

We comply with the requirements of EUTR (EU Timber Regulation), ensuring that the raw materials we use do not come from illegal felling, key biodiversity areas, or forest landscapes that are deemed to be under threat. As part of our environmental work, we have also become certified in accordance with ISO 14001:2015, which is an international environment management standard. If you have any questions about our environmental work, please contact our CEO.



A key element of our environmental work is to ensure that all our products are FSC®-certified. All FSC®-certified products come from sustainable forestry and can be traced all the way back to the forest where the wood used was originally sourced. This certification applies to our hardboard and plywood sheets.

It means that you can be sure where our wood-based panels come from as the entire chain is certified, from forest – to factory – to you, the customer. But it’s not just about origin, it’s also about working methods and replanting the forest. As more of our products become certified, they will be marked with the FSC® label. Work in this direction is now accelerating, the ultimate goal of which is to have all our products, both those produced in our Swedish and Estonian facilities, certified in accordance with the FSC® standard.

An independent certification body checks to ensure that we are compliant with all requirements and have a functioning quality system in place that addresses internal procedures. The certificate is granted for a limited period of time and is followed-up.


FSC® is the abbreviated name of the Forest Stewardship Council, an independent international membership organisation. FSC®’s mission is to ensure that forests around the world are used in an environmentally appropriate, socially responsible, and financially viable manner. The organisation develops rules and recommendations for sustainable forestry, and certification is based on 10 fundamental principles. These include protection of threatened plant and animal species, the ability of the land to maintain forests in the future, sound working conditions for those who work in the forestry industry, and the guaranteeing of the rights of indigenous peoples. SAI-COC-012241.

Since June 4, 2024 our subsidiary in Estonia, Boardic Eesti OÜ, is also FSC®-certified. SA-COC-014917.



Since 2019, Boardic has been certified by PEFC, which works together with certified forest owners and entrepreneurs for a sustainable and responsible use of the forest. We want society to have access to sustainably produced, renewable and climate-smart raw materials through independent third-party certification – from forest to finished product.

PEFC is an independent and non-profit global organization that evaluates and approves national standards for certification that meet PEFC’s international criteria for sustainable forests. PEFC stands for “Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification”. The PEFC label on a wood-based product shows that it is made from raw materials that come from sustainably managed forests in accordance with PEFC’s requirements.

The objective is to develop sustainable forestry with a good balance between sustainable timber production, environmental considerations and social interests. PEFC certification is based on independent control and review by a third party that the requirements are followed. The standard is also revised at regular intervals in an open process involving stakeholders.




The company pursues the development and production of wood-based packaging solutions. Our entire operation is covered by our business system, which is certified in accordance with the requirements of SS-EN ISO 9001:2015 (quality) and SS-EN ISO 14001:2015 (environment), and is compliant with the requirements of systematic health and safety work.

Boardic AB’s wholly-owned Estonian subsidiary is not covered by the company’s certified management system, but is instead treated as a critical sub-contractor.

We have a policy that sums up our vision in respect of quality, health and safety, and environment. We call it our “operations policy”. The policy is the cornerstone for our business objectives, which are followed up on a regular basis. In all areas, our business operates in accordance with applicable laws and requirements. The upper management team is made up of the company’s Board of Directors.


Keywords: Customer focus + Skills development

We are a modern packaging company that seeks to satisfy customers’ needs and expectations through adapted solutions. Our services create value and contribute to our customers’ success. We continually work to improve the company’s expertise, methodology, and our processes.


Keywords: Attentiveness + Analyses

We achieve a good physical and psychosocial working environment by pursuing preventive work in which we accurately report incidents and evaluate risks. We aim to give staff the criteria to feel job satisfaction, security, and a sense of community. We have a zero tolerance policy for any form of harassment or discrimination. All employees are to be treated with tolerance and respect. Each employee is responsible for creating a good working environment, which means always using the requisite protective equipment and working in accordance with safety procedures.


Keywords: Awareness + Reduced environmental impact

Our entire business is built around environmental awareness, enabling us to contribute to sustainable development and reducing the impact we have on the environment. We strive to make the best environmental choices in our day to day operations and to continually improve our environmental work, e.g. by developing our logistics solutions and waste management operations. We comply with the requirements of EUTR, PEFC, and FSC, ensuring that the raw materials we use do not come from illegal felling, key biodiversity areas, or forest landscapes that are deemed to be under threat.


Would you like to learn more about the role of forests in the climate change issue?


You can also read about how the Swedish Forest Industries Federation works with sustainability issues


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